We Cannot Let the FBI Access Our Encrypted Data
TODO ?>During US Senate hearings yesterday the FBI and Justice Department continued their push for access to consumers’ encrypted data, citing it as “necessary” for law enforcement efforts. Specifically, they argued that encryption is a barrier in the hunt for criminals such as pedophiles and terror suspects, and that public safety concerns must be balanced with consumer privacy rights.
These officials believe that end-to-end encryption technology, and specifically the technology built into mobile devices, hinders their law enforcement efforts, as it prohibits them from intercepting messages sent by suspected criminals.
As a company committed to protecting privacy and security for all Internet users, Golden Frog is strongly opposed to granting access to encrypted data – to law enforcement officials or anyone else.
“Encryption provides necessary protections for consumers, giving them power over their data,” said Sunday Yokubaitis, President of Golden Frog. “This proposed legislation would be a huge violation of consumer rights, not to mention a threat to the security of data and communications around the world. Providing a “key” to encrypted communications makes us vulnerable, and opens the doors for hackers and snoops committing cyber crime.”
Golden Frog joins many other technology companies in Silicon Valley and beyond in opposing this legislation, and continuing to fight for Internet security for everyone. We stand behind the technology we create, and believe that encryption is absolutely essential for consumer privacy and data security.
Encryption is the Second Amendment for the Internet. Protect yourself.
For more information on the issue and recent hearings, check out this NPR article.